Find out what is being offered at River Valley Community College by viewing current and future semester schedules here.  You’ll find a variety of courses offered in Claremont, Keene, Lebanon, and Online. 

The above SIS Schedule is the most current schedule as it is updated automatically as changes are made to the schedule database.

PDF Schedules

The below .pdf schedules are updated periodically (dates noted). The above SIS Schedule is the most current schedule as it is updated automatically as changes are made to the schedule database.

Fall 2024 Course Schedule (PDF) (Updated 10/07/2024)

Spring 2025 Course Schedule (PDF) (Updated 01/24/2025)

Summer 2025 Course Schedule (PDF) (Updated 02/26/2025)

Course Waitlist

Are you getting an Add Error when trying to register in SIS? If the course is full, you will need to fill out this Request to be added to the course waitlist form to be added to the waitlist. Once a seat becomes available, you will be notified. 

Types of Courses

(Please note: All courses have a Canvas site and students are responsible for checking it.)

On Campus

These courses are delivered at a specific time and day in the same physical location


These courses have no scheduled meeting times and are delivered in Canvas on a structured timeline.


These courses meet live on Zoom at a specific time and day weekly.

Zoom Hybrid

These courses include a combination of scheduled live Zoom meetings throughout the semester and content delivered via Canvas on a structured timeline.

On Campus Hybrid

These courses include a combination of scheduled live on-campus meetings throughout the semester and content delivered via Canvas on a structured timeline.


These courses allow you to choose between live Zoom meetings or live on campus meetings, according to the planned topic, personal need, or preference.


These courses allow the most flexibility. Each week you can choose to attend live on campus, live on Zoom, or to complete the activities on your own time in Canvas within the established parameters and expectations of each course.


**This type of course requires exceptional time management skills and the ability to manage class assignments in a well-organized fashion.  Many learning resources will be provided for students.  Instructors may provide videos as learning resources, but students should not expect weekly recorded class lectures to be available.  If you are a student who prefers a weekly lecture with an instructor, please consider choosing an on campus or remote course.